..bikes and birds..
So it feels like summer has hit here in the Black Hills. I fear it's a tease though. Yesterday it hit 79 degrees and today its been in the mid 70's. A vast change from the blizzard we had last week. Yuck. Cory keeps telling me that we'll get another blizzard here still... but I keep rebuking that. We're loving the warmth now and trying to enjoy it as much as possible. Yesterday we had our first family jaunt to the park! First of many, I'm sure. It was so fantastic to get out and enjoy nature. We walked and had a little bench picnic next to the creek while Cian enjoyed some sweet potato puffs in his stroller. He's such a big boy now eating grown up foods. It was great to have some quality family time in the park. Cory and I reminisced about our wedding and how fun it was riding the tandem bike through the very park that we were now walking Cian in. It's insane that it was almost 2 years ago that I first made the trip out to Michigan to meet Cory. I remember nervously walking down the airport terminal thinking how awkward the whole thing was. Then I saw him, then we hugged and all the nervousness went away. Who would have thought 4 months later we'd be married. Yeah. Not me. Ha! It's amazing how random God can be in leading two people to each other. We ARE blessed!!

Speaking of which, Cian had his 6 month check-up yesterday and he's doing amazing! Still on the tall side and 17lbs 12 oz. He's a chunk, but apparently average! I think he'll be losing some of that baby fat in the next few months as he gets more mobile. He's definitely still a baby... but I'm starting to look at him as a little more 'grown up'. Seems like just yesterday he was this little helpless newborn. Now I watch him and can see his little mind just drinking everything in. He's such a studier. Always staring at things trying to figure out what's going on. He's really got this sweet personality too. Loves to snuggle and smile... constantly smiling. Such a caring little kid, already. I think he'll be a lot like his daddy.

Don't you love that weather? It feels so good to be outside without all the extra layers.
Cian, you are growing up way to fast. STOP IT!!!!!
See you all next week.
Love, mom and dad Church
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