Thursday, November 13, 2008

..Simple Twist of Fate..

So I've gotten a few emails asking about where we're registered for the baby. I honestly wasn't going to do one this time, but I decided since it's a girl... we could use some new things.  ALSO, we're making a couple of massive changes this go around with Teagan.  

Change one: Cloth diapers

Call me crazy, I know! But after a ton of research, we've decided to take the plunge and switch to cloth diapers. The initial cost is high, but in the long run... they'll be more cost efficient. Not to mention how great they are on the environment. They've come a LONG way from the old pins and plastic pants days. The newer cloth diapers look just like disposable diapers! I'm nervous, but confident we're making the right decision. The ones we registered for are one size fits all. So Teagan can wear them from birth til' she gets potty trained! (Yay!) Anyway, pray for us during this new adventure. I'll keep you posted with how that goes.

Change number two: Making my own baby food.

We really won't need to worry about baby food for quite a few months, but I registered for a 3 cup food chopper. With the birth of Cian last year and decisions we've had to make with his health, I've become A LOT more aware of what goes into his little system. More and more I'm seeing the benefits of an organic, low sugar (I wish I could say NO sugar... but daddy likes to treat him with a bite of something every now and then) diet. With Teagan I plan on taking advantage of the local Farmers Market down the road and making my own baby food for her! Another big change, but one that I think will benefit our little one immensely. =)

Anyway, for those of you who have asked... there ya go! I always feel weird when people ask about what they can buy for us in preparation of Teagan... but I figured its better to let people know what we really NEED instead of just saying whatever and ending up with stuff we already have. =) 

We registered at Target. I'll probably be adding/changing things the closer we get to March 1st. But as of now, the things we have listed are really the things we need. I tried not to go too crazy and register for things that are unnecessary... ok, maybe I did that on a FEW things. Haha. But really, the Bum Genius diapers are the big need for us. We're hoping we can get a good stock going before she's born so I can refrain from doing laundry everyday. 

Thank you all for all your prayers these past few weeks. We've felt them. Cory starts his job next friday... but keep praying for a better opportunity to present itself.  We're trusting that the perfect position will show itself shortly! =)

Ok... just for your enjoyment. Here are some pictures of our little goon, Cian. He does this hilarious smile every time a camera comes out. It's his "pose". Haha.

Love to you all!


cassie said...

haha, I love you. I wish I was a mom with you because you are doing everything I want to do!

Did Cory ever call SBUX?

Tammie and Kevin said...

Hi Kids,
I am glad to see that you registered for Teagan.
Now that I know I can pass it on to family around here also.
By the way, I used cloth diapers for all three of my kids. The old fashion kind to. The only time I used disposable ones was when we went camping.
That Cian is the funniest.
Love all four of you.

Jenny said...

WHAT?! They are now selling BumGenius at Target!?! That is amazing. Your changes sound good for everyone, and I will pray that God provides just what you need! Making your baby food will save you tons!

Shannon said...

Cassie: I love you too! Now go make a baby so we CAN be mom's together. I think David would be all for it! ;)

Tammie: I commend you! Let's be honest, if cloth diapers weren't as easy as they are these days, I totally wouldn't be doing it. You ARE an awesome mom!

Jenny: Don't you just LOVE target?! I was so happy to see them there too. I'm excited for my baby food adventures ahead. Be forewarned... I'll probably be emailing you for advice and tips. =)

hootenannie said...

Shannon, these pictures convince me that you guys TRULY are one of the cutest families I know. I mean, "know." :)

Teagan's a lucky girl, to have such an awesome family...

Shannon said...

Annie: You are way too sweet! Now come to South Dakota. I'll take you to Mt. Rushmore. And Wall Drug.