Decorating for ++Christmas++
At First: this was our Christmas tree. We wanted to go real starting this year, but for convenience sake.... A 71/2ft tree was donated to us by shannon's grandma. We drove to Rapid and back with it, dragged it out of the box...and this was it. Obviously, I don't have to say, something's missing-that was huge box #2-still up in the garage at grandma's house. I do have to mention this set back our christmas decorating day, a day which we had prepared with a generous run to walmart. Regardless, what was the "christmas bush" turned out to be a wonderful full (fake) christmas tree the following day.
All in All: it was a great time...and I think Cian loved it too. Shannon and I were able to relate ba

Cian pictures: are posted below. They were taken within the last week or two and again, he's growing. He's almost 121/2 lbs now and about 2ft long. He's ahead of the game, socially, according to Dr Anderson and our own assessment. He already smiles, laughs, and talks! He's such a wonderful baby.

We'll be posting some video of Cian laughing and talking soon, so be looking back to catch it.

So Christmas decorating was awesome!! ...besides me having to eat all the popcorn I broke while stringing. Dangit anyway. Ha! And I just have to add that our baby is SO stinkin' cute!! I especially love his 'baby boobs' in the last picture. Haha! Poor kid will definitely revisit these pictures on graduation. =)
you guys, those are the sweetest pictures. He is so happy looking. The tree is gorgeous to (at least the finished product is) :) Glad you all had a good time together. Making memories. I miss that little guy (and you guys to)
Love and miss, mom
So glad for an update and photos. Makes me want to come visit. Some year we can have christmas together. xo
Looks your new home and family are doing great! We hope you have a wonderful first Christmas together with Cian. I'm sure it will be one you will always remember.
Love y'all, Nick & Amanda
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